Wednesday, 10 February 2010


I have been a lurker in the blogworld for a while now, I read about 20 blogs regularly. I have been threatening to set up a blog for a long time and at last I have done it!! I hope I manage to share parts of my life and the world around me that you find interesting.

I guess it makes sense to start with a bit about me, I've been married for nearly 33 years but I have to stress my husband and I were very young! (and still are!) We have 2 children who I shall try not to mention too often, they are grown up and live independent lives. I have two gorgeous dogs, Jinski and Finn collectively known as my boys and I'm afraid I will probably mention them very often!!

I love to knit and sew and I rarely have a day when I don't do either or more often both. I have for as long as I can remember, as a child I would manage to get hold of anything to make into something else. I am now an avid collector of other people's old clothes and castoffs and remake them into something fresh. I love bags, hence my blog name and whilst my favorites are soft squashy leather, I also make many from clothes and other off cuts of fabric.

I work for a charity and we organise gap year and shorter term programmes for young people to work with Churches in Europe. Through this I have made friends in France and Croatia and travel to both places fairly regularly.

Well that's more than enough about me, I plan to use this blog to share my makes and bakes so I hope you'll look by every now and then, let me know if you like it or if you don't, I love to hear from people!!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you in Blogdom bagqueen, interesting reads so far .. I love the things you made for the baby Pixi Belle (well.. Iguess Trixi Peachesbelle whatsit is doing pretty well so perhaps she will go far!!!) good luck with the blog and Alf sends enormous slurps of lurve !!
